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Realworld Chair-Pak Reviews...

In 2012 when we launched Chair-Pak for the first time we were able to get some great product reviews from reputable outdoor product review specialists, and from other great sources like Amazon customers.

Outdoor Product Review

"I haven't submitted a review yet but I haven't come across an item that was worthy of the time it would take to write one. I found the Chair-pak after searching through countless webpages hoping to find an item that matched what I had in mind, the Chair-pak did that and more. It arrived very quickly and it was easy to figure out how to..."

Amazon Customer Reviews

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ABS In Fitness Review

"40 years ago everyone expected us to have jet packs and cars that turn into suitcases like on the Jetsons. While we're not there yet, lovely inventions like the Chair-Pak, do give a idea of how much time could be saved when that happens. In itself, the Chair-Pak is essentially exactly that, a backpack with a aluminum chair built in. Sure the idea seems overly simple....Click on picture to read full review."
Sports Product Review

"So a nice company, Chair-Pak, sends us a sample of their product to review. My wife, who is a semi-avid hiker is going to be perfect to test it out, I think. She looks at it briefly, agrees it seems really cool, but she's got to take our daughter to a soccer tournament and she's out the door." 

Alaskan Mom Approved

"I have been nursing straight since August 2008. One child at first, then two and now back to one. I can nurse on a boat going down a river, while typing and while sautéing (a bit dangerous, but dinner has to be served). When hiking or fishing, it is hard to find a spot to sit and nursing..."

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